If you are a professional working in the field of glass enclosures and bioclimatic pergolas and if you want to receive more detailed information about our products and sales conditions, you can contact us directly by phone or email.

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Cumpliendo con la normativa de LACADOS y ANODIZADOS


Cumpliendo con la normativa de LACADOS y ANODIZADOS


Our objective is to inform the consumer that many companies are failing in the current aluminum lacquered regulations, representing an undue disadvantage for those consumers that purchase their enclosures from these irresponsible companies because they are not going to get an enclosure of the highest quality and it will create many problems in the medium and long term. Therefore, C3 SystemS invites you to demand your supplier all tests and certificates of guarantee. 

All our products are governed by QUALICOAT & QUALIDECO standards, ensuring the quality of our finishes certifying that all aluminum lacquered processes are carried out according to current regulations.

The coating of profiles is not a trivial issue, since not only the profiles are lacquered to give them the desired colour and finish, but also to protect them and extend their life. The coating process protects the aluminum profiles against natural corrosion, offering greater resistance to impact and providing great flexivility and uniformity of thickness, especially on the coast side, where abrasion is greater.

Moreover, there is also the anodizing process, which is based on oxidation taking place in the electrolytic process of aluminum when oxide coat is artificially increased achieving a great protection against corrosion. This aluminum layer is developed by immersing the aluminum in a bath of sulfuric acid. The layer formed is part of the aluminum, not an added one, making the surface harder and more resistant to abrasion and improving corrosion resistance. 

The end consumer must ensure for their own safety, that the manufacturer that offers this kind of product; has and publish each and every current certificates and tests.

Furthermore, we remind you that C3 SystemS is the only company in the market that provides 15 years guarantee!!!!
Because we love expanding spaces!!!!

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