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C3 SystemS acquires new facilities as productive and logistic center


C3 SystemS acquires new facilities as productive and logistic center

The new facilities, wider than 6.000 m², are located on Calle Narciso Monturiol, in the Business Park of Elche.

This change will be effective as from September 3 and will affect the warehouse, production and logistics. The other departments will remain in the same place until further notice.

From September 3, 2018, C3 SystemS warehouse, production and expedition will be located in other facilities, becoming part of new corporate headquarters of more than 6.000 m²; where it will be provided with advanced production processes, cutting-edge technology and greater stock and production capacity.

For the last several years, and especially during the 2017, C3 SystemS has kept on broadening horizons and overcoming challenges. This move will be completed during August and from September 3, 2018 the new facilities will begin to operate normally.

The rest of departments will maintain their current location for the time being. This means that any administrative handling, meeting or training appointment will still take place in the old address, while everything related to logistics will be managed in the new headquarters.

With this movement, C3 SystemS takes a step forward, and we are committed to continue providing the effective and quality service that has always defined our company.



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