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 Ventilation and airtightness


 Ventilation and airtightness

 Tightness: SEEGLASS glass enclosures are used for protecting against external environmental conditions (wind, rain, etc.).. The system is not fully airtight as a terrace must have enough ventilation to avoid moisture accumulation or concentration. Rain and wind can get in the terrace, so the original gutters should not be covered.

Ventilation: 1-3 mm holes in the panels are used to ventilate the conditioned space. If you want more ventilation you can open the first panel in its intermediate open position.

IMPORTANT! The glazing should not be too AIRTIGHT. Proper ventilation is required for construction materials to keep dry and therefore, in good condition. It is a basic rule for buildings good conditions.

Between the ceiling and the upper profile, and between the floor or railing and the lower profile of the system there will be small gaps and / or slots. It is normal, because the ceilings, floors, railings, walls are not completely level. Wedges are used to level the glass panels. The size of the gaps depends on the uneveness of the above elements, and are usually sealed with sealing materials. SEEGLASS glazing system should always be installed level, regardless of the unevenness of the building.

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