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Los cerramientos abatibles son la mejor opción cuando nos planteamos cerrar la terraza y disfrutar de un espacio extra en nuestra vivienda o negocio. Este innovador sistema crea un espacio con un ambiente acogedor sin renunciar a un diseño de vanguardia, basado en la tecnología que ofrecen las cortinas de cristal.

SeeGlass ONE sliding and folding glazing system features advantages such as enjoying the feeling of the outdoors and limitless views, and an easy access for cleaning purposes, as all the panels can be folded.

Available for 8,10 and 12 mm glass thickness.

Depending on the type of configuration and the measures that your stay requires, the folding enclosures have different prices per m2 (square meter). Through the information form you can consult doubts about the prices of collapsible enclosures, measurements, configurations or any other query to close your terrace, balcony or attic.

Request information now

Responsible: C3 Systems, S.L. Purpose: Answer your request and commercial information. Legitimation: You give us your consent by checking the acceptance box. Recipients: Your data will not be transferred to third parties. Rights: access, rectify and delete your data, as well as other rights that are explained in the Privacy Policy.

The best option to close a terrace and enjoy an extra space in our home or business.


Seeglass sliding and folding systems are designed for residential areas and businesses, where extra useable space needs to be achieved and where a comfortable and aesthetic design are important.

Verandas and Terraces

This glass enclosing system is an ideal solution for verandas and terraces where you can enjoy the outdoors, and comfort and panoramic views thanks to the sliding and folding panels that can be completely moved to the side.

Restaurants and Hotels

Offer your clients a modern and aesthetic glass enclosing solution for extra comfort and protection against harsh weather conditions with Seeglass enclosures.


Building Façades

Take advantage of unused spaces, like balconies for example, and expand your living area with a minimum effort and with no costly construction work whatsoever.


SeeGlass enclosures are a perfect complement for the bioclimatic pergola SeeSky as these two products can be combined and offer a full and optimum enclosing solution.


Interior Partitions

Sliding and folding systems Seeglass are a perfect glass partition solution for dividing offices and interior spaces, as glass panels can be opened and closed when needed.


Great option for outdoor businesses that aim for a panoramic view and that sometimes need to protect themselves from harsh weather.



Ideal solution for covering low ceiling areas, thus providing a translucent space for a panoramic view of the outside.


Create new useful space to your housing by adding interior partitions or enclosing unused spaces to achieve a bright and comfortable new area.


Ideal HORECA Sector Solution

We count in our portfolio with several diverse solutions of products that are perfectly adapted to the HORECA sector.
We manufacture different glass enclosing solutions that are often used for the HORECA sector, as we have many years of experience supplying for this sector in a national and international level.


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One of the main advantages of Seeglass ONE sliding and folding system is that they are adjustable to many different configurations in order to find the best option available.

Corner turning

Thanks to the specific component design, it is possible to turn corners through multiple angles for panels.


Side and central panel opening

Full glass panel openings allow to pile up all panels to one side, leaving a perfect opening and getting a sense of outdoor enjoyment.



also has the new continuously used door called “MAIN DOOR”, specially designed for public spaces, where the door is being used constantly like hotels, restaurants and coffee shops.



Easy cleaning and maintenance

Thanks to the sliding and folding option of each panel, it is very easy to perform the integral cleaning of the glass, as every part of the system can be safe and easily accessed from the inside.

Adaptation to different climates

Sliding and folding glazed systems are perfectly compatible with cold and humid climates.
They are a great sealing and protection option against harsh external weather conditions.

Accessories and Components

Telescopic top profile, for combination of ONE + ZIP systems

Integrated metallic opening system

Standard and embedded lower profile option

Top telescopic profile for height adjustments on profile and panels

New design of the end-caps, ensuring better weather-tightness

Lateral profile and covers for possible adjustment and extra water and wind proof

Glass screwed to profiles

Better evacuation of moisture caused by condensation

Angle closing caps

evacuacion agua

New sealing gaskets. Better system resistance

brazo de cerramiento de cristal abatible

New displaced fixing profile, ideal for balconies or ventilated facades

tapa de cierre

New displaced fixing profile, ideal for balconies or ventilated facades

Opening devices

Metallic cable opening device (standard)

Simple and double knobs

Crank locks

Crank Golf locks

Elementos Incorporables

retenedor de hojas para cerramientos abatibles de cristal

Retenedor de hojas atornillado al perfil inferior, para asegurar las hojas una vez plegadas y evitar su movimiento.

cerramiento de cristal abatido

Juego de pinzas para evitar el movimiento de las hojas de vidrio , puede ir atornillado a la pared.

cortinas plisadas en cerramiento abatible

Cortinas Plisadas.
Saber más.

mosquiteras plisadas para cerramientos de cristal

Mosquiteras Plisadas.
Saber más.

estor enrollable con cerramiento abatible

Estor enrollable, incorporable en el perfil superior del cerramiento.



acabados C3 Systems





9006 nature


7016 mate

7016 tx


9011 mate










Anodizado plata mate


Anodizado Inox gr/pul


Imitación Madera


BTO – 100


BTO – 12


FTO – 160




Medidas Máximas

8mm 2500mm ILIMITADO 800 mm/hoja
10mm 3000mm ILIMITADO 800 mm/hoja
12mm 3000mm ILIMITADO 800 mm/hoja
medidas de cerramientos abatibles SeeGlass

Ensayos de Producto

Todos los sistemas han sido sometidos a los ensayos de producto y componentes, ante las unidades certificadoras homologadas:

ensayo de resistencia al viento en cerramientos abatibles SeeGlass
ensayo de resistencia al agua en cerramientos abatibles SeeGlass
ensayo de resistencia al aire o viento en cerramientos abatibles SeeGlass


Si desea más información sobre nuestros cerramientos abatibles y todos sus accesorios, complementos y acabados, puede descargar nuestro catálogo aquí.


Homologación y Calidad



Los sistemas se fabrican en España. Todos los componentes son diseñados por nuestro equipo de ingenieros y fabricados bajo los más estrictos controles de calidad


Seeglass es el mejor sistema de cerramiento acristalado sin perfiles verticales de última generación. Lo cual nos permite ofrecer 15 años de garantía.

*Consulte toda la información sobre las garantías en el manual de garantías generales o solicite la información a su distribuidor*


Seeglass dispone de marcado CE. Identificamos nuestros productos, incorporamos ensayos, y avalamos el proceso de certificación



Nuestros vidrios disponen de marcado CE para vidrios templados de alta resistencia, seguridad, cantos pulidos y sistemas de sujeción mecánicos a perfiles


Seeglass cumple con las normas internacionales de Qualanod, Qualideco y Qualicoat en todos sus procesos de tratamiento superficial del lacado.


Seeglass es una marca registrada y patentada por C3 Systems S.L. Único fabricante oficial de la marca Seeglass


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