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seeglass ONE vs seeglass RUN


seeglass ONE vs seeglass RUN

Sometimes, some of our customers have asked us whether it is preferable to install a seeglass ONE glazing enclosure or a seeglass RUN. The right answer is: it depends.

  1. It depends on where the enclosure is going to be installed:
    • If it is installed on a balcony, it is prefereable to install a seeglass ONE (or seeglass ECO) rather than a seeglass RUN (although it can also be done)

    • If you want to glaze a terrace, both systems seeglass ONE or seeglass RUN are a very good choice since they two provide an elegant solution if you want to take advantage of an outdoor space. 

    • If you want to divide an indoor space, we recommend you a seeglass RUN rather than seeglass ONE. Nevertheless, we must point out that our seeglass LUX or seeglass FIX systems have been especially designed for indoor spaces. 

  2. It depends on the price:

    Normally, seeglass ONE and seeglass RUN have a very close price, while it is true that seeglass RUN is slightly cheaper. 
  3. It depends on the sliding type of panes:

    Seeglass ONE slides and turns while seeglass RUN just slides. That is to say, the main difference between both systems is that the first glass pane of seeglass ONE can be opened while the rest of the panes can be slided towards the opening side to be finally turned. However, the glass panes of seeglass RUN slide horizontaly at the same time. 
  4. It depends on the packaging of glass panes:

    As already mentioned in previous item, when the glazing enclosure is opened, if it is a seeglass ONE system the glass panes are perpendicularly packed to the end profiles. However, if it is a seeglass RUN, the panes are packed parallel to the frames so not all the space is opened (that corresponds with the width of the seeglass RUN glass pane). Normally, the panes of seeglass RUN are wider than those of seeglass ONE. 
  5. It depends on the glass pane passage of angles: 

    With seeglass ONE system, the glass panes can be slided through angles (corners). However,  this option is not available for seeglass RUN. 
  6. It depends whether you want a central sliding door: 

    The option of a central sliding door is only available for seeglass ONE.
  7. It depends on the opening device (locks): 

    seeglass ONE offers differen locks, the most common ones are the cranck and the knob. Seeglass RUN is characterised by the self-closing system. 

Despite the differences, if you are thinking of extending a living space with a glazing enclosure, the best option is to install a seeglass, that is ONE or RUN, because both systems are of high standard quality, they are easy to installa and of an elegant updated design. With these systems you can create new spaces while you are protected from bad weather when they are closed. They are the most recommended systems for restaurants, cafeterias, shops and offices. 

Because we love expanding spaces!

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