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Types of glass for frameless glazing enclosures


Types of glass for frameless glazing enclosures

All seeglass enclosures use tempered safety glasses for its numerous advantages, providing solutions for transparency, safety and comfort in a great aesthetic content. Tempered glass is 5 times stronger than annealed glass of the same thickness and because of their characteristics, the chance of breaking is even lower. The glass would crash into very small pieces with no sharp edges, so it provides strong security.

Regarding the glass thickness, depending on the type of system and seeglass enclosure height, we can find glasses 6, 8, 10 and 12 mm. Thus, seeglass-eco present thicknesses of 6 and 8 mm, while the seeglass-one is available in 8 and 10 mm. Finally, seeglass-max has maximum thickness with 12 mm.

According to consumer taste or conditions where you are installing the enclosure, you can choose from a variety of different tempered glass:


It is the genuine glass and more characteristic of enclosures without vertical profiles, because this is in compliance with the philosophy of "expanding spaces and views without limits". In addition, all glasses from C3 Systems compliant with the regulation and CE mark on reaction to fire, resistance to temperature changes, resistance to wind and snow, acoustic attenuation airborne noise and thermal transmittance (amount of energy and heat passing through the glass). It is available for seeglass-max systems, seeglass-one, seeglass-echo and seeglass-run.



The extra clear glass is a kind of transparent glass which is characterized by a low content of iron oxides, giving it greater light transmission than normal glass. It is available for seeglass-max, seeglass-one and seeglass-run.


Parsol glass is a tinted or colored glass by the addition of metal oxides, which are compounds formed by the combination of a metal element and oxygen reducing the passage of visible ultraviolet and infrared radiation. They are available in blue, gray and bronze, for seeglass-max, seeglass-one and seelgass-run.



The frosted glass acid (also called glass matt, satin, translucent, frosted, opaque, acid ...), is the result of a transformation process by which the surface of a flat glass is treated with an acid aqueous solution to give a smooth textured satin matt translucent aspect or a transparent engraving. The purpose of this type of glass is to give more privacy to the place or as decorative element. It is available for seeglass-max systems, seeglass-one, seeglass-echo and seeglass-run.


The Reflex or Reflectasol glass is a double glass formed by tempered plus laminated glass of 6 +4 mm, that arises from the combination of metals with gases, whose basic function is to control excessive heat from the outside through reflection and absorption, allowing input light within a range that goes from 9 to 31% and, unable to separate the light from the heat. The latter is rejected outward between 62 and 82%, while eliminating up to 95% UV harmful to the colors and textures inside the house. It is available for seeglass-max, seeglass-one and seeglass-run.


Solar Control glass, like Reflex glass, is a double glass formed by tempered glass plus laminated glass of 6 + 4 mm, which is formed when adding a thin transparent layer on one of its sheets, controlling the solar heat transmission to reduce heat absorption. Since it is colorless, it does not reduce the passage of light and visibility. This reduction of the heat transfer enables a significant energy and cost saving in the use of air conditioners. It is available for seeglass-max, seeglass-one and seeglass-run.    


Deserve special mention the new solar control glass by the Manufacturer Guardian Sun. These are high-tech glass by applying a magnetron art layer, applied on the inside of the glass. The other side of the surface of the enclosure, ensures comfort and protection against solar radiation, allowing you to enjoy higher transmission light. You can choose from a wide range of glass, depending on requirements or customer request. Each type of glass SUNGUARD HIGH DURABLE, possess unique range of light transmission characteristics, external reflection of light, and a specific solar factor. In the following link from the manufacturer, you will find the full range and know their characteristics:


For further information or queries about prices, do not hesitate to contact us.

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