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Do not be afraid of Autumn: still enjoying the terraces thanks to infrared heating systems habitat-HOT


Do not be afraid of Autumn: still enjoying the terraces thanks to infrared heating systems habitat-HOT

A few days ago we welcomed the fall and we fired a summer that this year has been extremely hot with temperatures that marked historical records from which data is recorded. 

Fortunately, tempereatures are lower, especially at night. The negative side of this downside in temperature, is therefore no longer want to be on a terrace of a bar or a restaurant with a drink. But no problem, C3 SystemS offers its customers the habitat-HOT infrared heating systems, "the pleasant warm sensation", which allows you to enjoy the outdoor areas with its combination of infrared and shortwave halogen, resulting in a highly effective heating technology.  

The infrared heating habitat-HOT habitat are much more efficient and environmentally friendly than the old gas heaters, and taking advantage of the 92% of the applied energy by selective thermal dissipation, while gas heaters only take advantage of the 40% of applied energy. They also have an inmediate thermal effect (1 second from that plugs), compared to the five minutes it takes for gas heaters. Moreover, the infrared heating systems are a clean energy because they do not emit CO2 directly. 

Available with cable or remote control, habitat-HOT allows to continue extending the summer and ejoying the terraces all year. 

The Open View Company!!!

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