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Adjustable windscreen: Habitat AIR


Adjustable windscreen: Habitat AIR

Our adjustable windscreen, Habitat AIR is a perfect solution for enclosing terraces in restaurants, hotels, as well as for enclosing residential outdoor areas. 

Our adjustable windscreen offers the opportunity to enjoy the outside weather by lowering the adjustable panels during warm and sunny days, and also by raising the adjustable panels you will be able to protect the inside of your business form the wind and other harsh weather conditions.

Our adjustable windscreens are available in 2 different options: 

  • Fixed adjustable windscreen using supports and connectors
  • Mobile adjustable windscreen

Both options of adjustable windscreen can be installed with planter as a perfect complement where plants and flowers can add a very personal touch to your business.

Different connectors and locks available:

Adjustable windscreen, Habitat AIR, offers a certified wind resistance Class 6, which allows to create a very comfortable feeling within the closed area as it protects against harsh weather conditions.

Thanks to the very simple installation, this adjustable windscreen is the one of the most commonly used systems in HORECA field, as our adjustable windscreen according to the business owners offers comfort to their clients without losing the outside view.

Either for your business or for your home, adjustable windscreen Habitat AIR, is a perfect solution for enclosing your terraces or outside areas.

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