Attention! Before acquiring a glass enclosure check legal notice!!!
We realize that there are many websites which sell glass enclosures, but who do not respect the legal standards of LSSI.
So before acquiring an enclosure or anticipate any payment, make sure that the rules are followed. This is very important in order to avoid surprises.
Do not buy a glass enclosure, if there is no Legal notice, and in case you have it, you should check that you have the data of the company which is at the origin, namely the name of the company or professional, the CIF, domicile, telephone, e-mail and data from the trade register.
You will see that in some cases, they put a lot of legal vocabulary, but missing the most important point. Therefore, in front of all problem when buying your product, the buyer is powerless because it is unclear which company claim. The law LSSI to protect consumers on the Internet requires that Web sites must be identified and clearly indicate which company it is or the person who is behind the company.
Any Web site that offers products or services must have at least a legal opinion on the Web site accessible from any page that contains this information, namely (according to art. 10 of law 34/2002, of July 11, services information society and electronic trade also known under the name of LSSI):
- Name or Company name..
- Tax identification number (NIF/CIF).
- Contact information: home and email address, and any other information which will allow a direct and effective communication, for example a telephone or a fax number.
- If the company is registered in the commercial register, registration data must also be indicated there.
Our Web is of course compliant with this:
We insist on the fact that it is very important before you anticipate any payment, to ensure that the manufacturer complies with standards.
Do not acquire a glass enclosure, if the manufacturer does not on its Web site, legal advice, or contains no identifying data of the company required by law.