If you are a professional working in the field of glass enclosures and bioclimatic pergolas and if you want to receive more detailed information about our products and sales conditions, you can contact us directly by phone or email.

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C3 SystemS in VETECO 2016


C3 SystemS in VETECO 2016

C3 SystemS will be representing our products at VETECO 2016, which will take place at IFEMA (Feria de Madrid), from 25th to 28th of October.

Visit us at our stand 8C11


You can get a free VETECO pass from C3 SystemS by clicking the following link and registering.

  I will assist VETECO 2016

CODIGO: VE160000323EX

It is necessary to enter the code when requested.

This year edition will be C3 SystemS’ third consecutive participation at this very important event for glass enclosing sector, which takes place every 2 years in Madrid.

For 2016 edition we will present our new products seeglass-BIG (sliding and folding glass enclosure without lower profile) and habitat-HOT (infrared heater). Important developments made for systems habitat-AIR, seeglass-RUN and seeglass-ECO+, will be presented as well, giving us an important step forward in terms of quality and reaching the highest quality market standards available, as accessories and bearing has been reinforced adding resistance and sealing to our products.
We will also present our new line of products named Seesky with a release of our brand new product “Bioclimatic Pergola”. This new system complements perfectly with seeglass products as they can be installed and combined together, offering our clients integral solution for creating new usable spaces.

In C3 SystemS, we are very excited about presenting our products in VETECO, and obtaining important feedback from attendees, specially this year that we have been granted Pyme (SMEs) Innovation Stamp, by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, for our continuous investment in innovation thanks to our own R+D department what allows us to offer up to 15 year guarantee.


The Open View Company!!!


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